Green Tea and coffee are the two beverages that have immense caffeine content and health benefits. However, each of them holds its importance.
While green tea heals some major problems in the body, the coffee equally competes in offering other healing capacities. Let us find out which one is right for you according to your body’s needs.
Firstly, let’s start by understanding each of the two beverages, their origin, production, and components present. Then we will understand how the two differ in terms of health.
Coffee is extracted from a plant known as Coffea. It is a popular drink that has now become a habit of millions of people.
Unlike green tea which people tend to consume considering its health benefits, coffee holds its own importance along with several fitness qualities.
For example, when people have meetings, conferences, friendly meets, or when they need an early morning drink, they prefer a cup of coffee.
It has thus gained a lot of importance in our daily lives.
Green Tea
Green tea is an extract from a plant called Camellia Sinensis that is grown natively in China. The leaves are cultivated and processed in various forms that make up green tea.
Being a potent beverage with enormous health benefits, it has gained immense popularity across the globe.
Green Tea vs Coffee – The Difference
Let us find the differences between the two considering the following points:
Health benefits
- Antioxidants
- Weight Loss
- Caffeine Content
- Bodybuilding
- Teeth-Staining
Green Tea vs Coffee – Health Benefits
Green tea
It has a better healing power compared to coffee. One of the principal benefits of consuming green tea is its ability to prevent cancer. Numerous tests have been conducted and exhibited positive results.
Moreover, three-quarters of people who’ve had Alzheimer’s disease did not experience it later once they started consuming green tea.
Further, not as effective as coffee, but still, if consumed daily can reduce the symptoms of diabetes by almost 30%.
Moreover, when people undergo chemotherapy, there are several side effects they bear. When these people were asked to consume green tea, 85% of the patients said that a single cup of green tea healed their nausea. They sensed energy in the body.
Moreover, it cured various chemotherapy side effects.
Coffee, being a popular drink among the young generation is less known for its countless benefits. It reduces the risk of diabetes development since it maintains appropriate sugar levels in the body.
Moreover, it prevents the possibility of having skin cancer from consuming the beverage regularly. This is because the pre-cancerous cells are killed away with the components present in the coffee that aid the prevention.
In addition, research shows that consuming 5 cups of coffee each day can evade the possibility of Alzheimer’s disease.
It further prevents liver diseases, though it cannot cure liver cancer, but can still help you avert liver diseases to a great extent.
Weight Loss
Green tea has a huge contribution to helping people lose weight. Consumption of green tea burns a lot of fat in the body. We can say, it has a high metabolism rate ultimately doing justice to the body.
However, coffee can give you a good boost for exercise and gym. Apart from a little increase in blood pressure and heart rate, coffee can do justice to your body weight.
Since coffee has more caffeine and ECGC content, it is an apt solution for weight loss.
After a heavy workout, have a cup of coffee. It will reduce the possibility of muscle pain. Coffee contains chemical contents that create cortisone and adrenaline. These two hormones are imperative to stimulate the body.
This is why coffee helps us feel energetic and recharged.
The coffee wins over green tea again when it comes to relaxing and building up the body. The caffeine enhances the flow of the blood in the muscles allowing the bodybuilders to perform a higher number of reps with good intensity.
Green tea helps, but coffee holds the power of its ingredients. And thus, the coffee wins.
Another benefit of consuming coffee is antioxidants that keep the blood healthy and prevent the body from viral attacks. It is also helpful in alleviating diseases like asthma since it relaxes the airways in the lungs.
Green tea though has antioxidants present; coffee wins over tea concerning the antioxidants it contains. The difference is so huge that having 8 cups of green tea is equal to the amounts of antioxidants present in 2 cups of coffee.
Caffeine Content Difference
Caffeine is better in taste but is one of the natural components in most beverages. However, the quantity of this component varies.
Caffeine provides various benefits to health and is an excellent booster of energy in the body.
However, the excess of anything is bad. Too much caffeine can cause restlessness, irritation, and agitation.
Thus, to monitor the intake of caffeine through green tea or coffee, let’s find out the difference in quantity between the two:
Caffeine Content in Coffee
The International Coffee Organisation states when we consume a cup of coffee, it will generally contain 115 mg of caffeine content, provided the coffee is prepared using the drip method.
If the coffee is prepared using a percolator, the caffeine content drops to 80 mg. Instant coffee may have 65 mg of caffeine. The serving size taken here is 5 oz.
The caffeine content is high in a single shot of espresso; the Mayo Clinic states it will have only 40-75 mg of caffeine.
Caffeine Content in Green tea
The Mayo Clinic states that a cup of green tea has 24-40 mg of caffeine content per serving of 240ml/8oz. The different methods by which we brew green tea cause the difference in the caffeine content.
The higher we boil the leaves in the water; the more will be caffeine content in them. If a cup is steeped for 5 minutes, it will have double the amount of caffeine you may consume on steeping the coffee for 2 minutes.
Green tea and coffee both may bring teeth stains. Thus, to avoid stains and maintain dental health, you should take the necessary steps to post-drinking. For example, you may consider flossing your mouth, brushing your teeth, etc.
What makes green tea cause teeth stains?
It is the tannins present in green tea that is potent for staining. The acid removes the enamel from the teeth. Once this coating gets off, the pigmented particles attach to your teeth leading to stains.
The same component called tannins is present in coffee that again is responsible for down-breaking the enamel. People generally consider using a straw since it avoids contact with the coffee with your teeth.
Which is better, green tea vs coffee?
Green tea vs coffee; both hold their benefits. Excess intake of both would not work for the body. On the same verge, consuming them within a proper limit can give immense benefits to health.
Beverages are something we all like and consume regularly. While green tea is envisioned as a healthy beverage, coffee denotes love. It not only gives us energy but is the most preferred when we feel tired.
Moreover, coffee shops have made it a popular drink where people prefer coffee meets.
Overall, observing the differences, each of the two beverages has its health benefits. However, we can say green tea is more healthy and beneficial than coffee since it prevents many diseases.
Moreover, green tea does not make you feel as addictive as coffee. Still, it ultimately depends on what each individual’s body requires.