Green tea and black tea are two different beverages obtained from the same Camellia Sinensis plant. However, they still possess several differences due to the difference in their processing methods and cultivation.
The difference in methods differentiates them in terms of their components and benefits. Let us find out the distinctions between the two based on their multiple features.
Green Tea vs Black Tea – The Difference
1. Antioxidants
The processing of green tea and black tea are pretty diverse. Unlike black tea, green tea leaves are non-fermented.
Thus, it does not undergo an oxidation process.
Consequently, it has more of EGCG, i.e., epigallocatechin gallate, which is a popular antioxidant vital for the body. It helps in fighting cancer, heart problems, and a lot more.
Moreover, due to no oxidation process, it has more of the polyphenols preserved in it.
On the other hand, the EGCG in the black tea is destroyed since it goes under the fermentation process. Green tea is better compared to black tea in terms of the quantity as well as the quality of the antioxidants.

Catechins are a popular type of antioxidant present in tea. There are 105 mg catechins in a cup of green tea while black tea has only 10 mg catechins in the same quantity.
2. Immune System of the Body
Green tea is a popular beverage commonly considered as a part of the diet mostly after exercise. It is less acidic helping the body get rid of the acid waste. Its detoxifying effect enhances the metabolism, glowing skin, and creates a strong immunity of the body.
Then, what does black tea do for your body?
On the other hand, black tea has one-third part of the total caffeine compared to a cup of coffee would have. It helps the body stay hydrated. It has necessary bacteria-fighting antioxidants that enhance the immune system.
Moreover, it allows smooth flow of blood in the brain leading to an increased focus and concentration.
3. Consumption Methods – Green Tea vs Black Tea
To serve a perfect cup of green tea, boil 220 ml of water at 80 degrees Celsius. Add 2 grams of crushed green tea leaves. Wait for 3 minutes to let it get down. Strain the tea and serve hot. It is recommended not to add anything to taste.
Black tea is relatively more acidic than green tea. Adding mild lemon juice to the black tea can help you kill the acid.
To prepare a perfect black tea, boil water at 100 degrees Celsius. Add 2 grams of crushed black tea leaves. Allow it to sit for four minutes before you strain. Pour it into the cup and add a little lemon, cream, milk, or sugar if you prefer.
4. Taste
Examining the taste of the two beverages, the green tea has a mildly bitter taste. The black tea, on the other hand, has a strong bitter taste.
5. Cancer Prevention
Green tea is better as compared to black tea when it comes to accomplishing cancer-fighting requirements in the body. This is because it has a vibrant source of catechins.
Epigallocatechin gallate is a type of catechin that enhances the protein sequence in the cancer cells and fights its growth. This has been proved in a study published in the journal Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology.
Its research also states that the inactive gene in EGCG evades colon cancer metastasis and fights cancer spread.
6. Heart Benefits
Both green and black tea have cardiovascular benefits. However, the component EGCG being more in the green tea aligns with the blood vessels to promote autophagy. Autophagy is a physiological process that protects your cells from stress.
Green tea is also a perfect solution to control blood cholesterol levels. It boosts up the beneficial cholesterol and evades the harmful components to get in.
Considering black tea, the Linus Pauling Institute states that its consumption improves the function of the blood vessels and prevents coronary artery diseases.
7. Fluoride Content
Both green tea and black tea have fluoride content that strengthens our teeth and bones making them healthy. However, black tea competes well with more fluoride content as compared to green tea.
The body takes the fluoride content into hydroxyapatite. Hydroxyapatite is a tissue that makes up your bones and teeth.
While black tea contains 0.2 to 0.5 mg fluoride per cup, green tea has 0.3 to 0.4 mg of fluoride per cup.
8. Caffeine Levels – Green Tea vs Black Tea
I have seen many people looking around for an answer, “which has more caffeine?; the green tea or the black tea?”
Caffeine is abundant in most of the beverages we consume. It is a valuable component to the body only when consumed within a limit.
It is known to boost the energy levels in the body.
Furthermore, appropriate consumption of caffeine improves your productivity and may also aid you with weight loss.
On the same verge, an excess intake of the same can cause irritation, anxiety, and restlessness.
According to the Linus Pauling Institute, the caffeine content in green tea may vary from 9 to 50 mg per cup. And the content of caffeine in black tea may range from 42 to 72 mg.
In order to determine the right intake of caffeine in the body, The University of Maryland Medical Centre suggests having an intake of not more than five servings a day.
In order to reduce your caffeine consumption, consider having green tea instead of black.
9. Weight Loss
People also ask, “What is better for weight loss green tea or black tea?”. The catechin content in the tea is a huge contributor to weight loss. Moreover, the caffeine content in the body again helps burn fat.
Since black tea undergoes a fermentation process, it has less quantity of antioxidants called catechins. On the other hand, it has more caffeine content.
Thus, both green tea and black tea are successful in helping you reduce weight. If your body is sensitive to excess caffeine, you may consider having green tea for weight loss.
What is better for you, black tea or green tea?
Concluding the differences between the two popular varieties of tea beverages, green tea, and black tea, let’s make a comparative breakdown of the two.
- Both the teas have the same origin, i.e., from the Camellia Sinensis plant. The green tea is not or maybe partially fermented while processing. The black tea is thoroughly fermented and oxidized.
- Proceeding to the ultimate consumption of the two, the green tea is consumed without the addition of anything. It simply involves brewing green tea leaves in the water. However, black tea may be consumed with milk or without milk. If consumed without milk, we may also consider adding lemon to it.
- The antioxidants are present in both teas. However, green tea wins over black tea since it has comparatively more of them. On the other hand, black tea wins over green tea considering the quantity of caffeine content.
- The acidity levels in green tea are lower than the black tea.
The image below shows how both green tea and black tea have individual benefits for the body.

Since both the beverages stand with their own benefits, it completely depends on our body requirements, deciding which tea is suitable for your own self.