Encha Ceremonial Organic Matcha Review

Encha is an organic matcha green tea brand. Its founder is Dr. Li Gong. The brand sources the matcha straight from the farms in Uji, Kyoto, Japan and brings it to the cups of tea connoisseurs.

The Encha brand’s slogan also says – ’Farm to cup’ which is 100% true.

Encha matcha is USDA certified organic. It is tested regularly for radiation and the presence of heavy metals. Along with that, the brand ensures that the product packaging is free of BPA.

About Encha Ceremonial Organic Matcha

Encha Ceremonial Organic MatchaBeing of ceremonial grade, the matcha from the house of Encha is of the best quality.

Traditionally, this grade of matcha is meant for tea ceremonies. It goes without saying that it has to be of the highest quality. Encha ceremonial organic matcha meets that criterion.

The USDA certified pure organic matcha is from the tea farms located in the Uji Mountains of Kyoto, Japan.

The tender-most tea leaves from the 1st harvest of the spring season are hand-picked for the matcha.

At Encha, they follow a unique method in making the matcha and that is the removal of the stems of the leaves before grinding them.

After the stem-removal process, they undergo grinding to obtain a smooth and vibrant green ceremonial grade matcha. This gives it a smooth and full-bodied taste.

Encha ceremonial organic matcha when whisked with water gives you a smooth, frothy, and subtly vegetal tasting matcha with a full-bodied texture.

Encha offers an organically grown matcha that has a delicate and grassier taste as compared to non-organically grown matcha.

The matcha comes with a certificate of it being organic, a report of zero radioactivity, and its nutrition profile.

Above all, Encha ceremonial grade matcha is free of preservatives. Moreover, it is gluten-free, vegan-friendly, and non-GMO.

A single serving of the Encha ceremonial organic matcha powder is 2 g which is approx equal to one teaspoon. One serving of the matcha has:

  • 240 mg of catechins out of which 120 mg is EGCG,
  • 60 mg of caffeine, and
  • 24 mg of the amino acid theanine.

The calories present in it are just 8 which is good news for those who are watching their daily calorie intake.

Also, as you ingest the whole leaf with matcha, you will be consuming more bioactive compounds than what regular green tea has to offer.

Talking about the packaging, the matcha comes in a resealable pack so that the moisture stays out and the matcha stays fresh.

It is advised to drink Encha ceremonial organic matcha twice a day. Once after your breakfast and once post-lunch.

Along with that, the tea leaves of Encha matcha are shade-grown for a period of 3 weeks before getting harvested.

Therefore, there is a higher theanine content in the matcha which has enormous health-promoting properties.

Health Benefits of Encha Matcha

Coming to Encha matcha health benefits, it is a rich source of antioxidants which include EGCG. Along with that, it contains caffeine and theanine that provide health-promoting benefits.

Let’s look at how drinking matcha regularly benefits overall well-being,

1. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits

The catechins in matcha have antioxidant properties. These powerful antioxidants naturally present in matcha have a lot of health benefits to offer.

Out of all the catechins, the effects of EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate) are most prominent. EGCG is capable of neutralizing the free radicals in the body and thereby saving the cells from damage.

Due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of catechins, Encha matcha is helpful in:

  • Prevents diseases – The ability to fight free radical damage helps in preventing several diseases like heart disease and even certain types of cancer.
  • Improved immunity – Antioxidants even help with increasing immunity and make you fall ill less often.
  • Good for the skin – Apart from that antioxidants help in slowing down the aging process, reduces damage due to UV rays, helps get relief from acne, and improves overall skin health.

2. Weight loss effect

EGCG is also helpful in speeding up the metabolism of the body and therefore provides assistance in weight loss.

3. Calming effect on the mind and improves focus

The tea leaves of Encha matcha are grown in shade for a period of 3 weeks before being harvested. This procedure increases the theanine content in the leaves.

Theanine is an amino acid that has a calming effect on the mind. Along with the stimulant caffeine, it works well in providing a relaxed feeling and clean energy.

In other words, you stay alert and calm at the same time. Also, there is no caffeine crash later on like how you have with coffee.

Proof that it works…

Encha Matcha ReviewEncha matcha is a powerhouse of health-enhancing components. As already discussed above, it is rich in catechins out of which it is EGCG that is responsible for all the health benefits matcha gives you.

Being shade-grown, this matcha has more of the amino acid theanine that helps your mind relax.

Theanine works really well along with the naturally occurring caffeine to help you stay alert and calm simultaneously.

As Encha matcha is a ceremonial grade matcha, it is counted among the best. It is obvious that its health benefits will be more pronounced in comparison to ordinary matcha.

The taste, the aroma, and the texture are all top class.

How to prepare a cup of Encha Ceremonial Organic Matcha Tea?

  • Take a matcha bowl and add one teaspoon of the Encha matcha powder.
  • Add 5 oz of hot water to it (160°F) and whisk it well with a bamboo whisk.
  • It will get smooth and frothy. You can now enjoy it.

You can drink the tea once after breakfast and once after lunch. It is recommended not to drink more than 2 cups a day of Encha matcha.

On the other hand, you can drink it as iced matcha. To prepare it, vigorously shake the powder with cold water and ice in a bottle.

Side effects of Encha Organic Matcha

Normally, matcha is safe when consumed in reasonable quantities. However, it can be harmful if you drink really large doses of it.

The caffeine present in it can be the reason for the following side effects:

  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Diarrhea
  • Heartburn
  • Constipation

Generally, the soil of tea farms can have fluoride, arsenic, and lead in it. The tea plant may absorb them and they can end up in your matcha.

Thus, you may experience side effects. However, Encha matcha is free of heavy metals because it is tested regularly. This puts one major concern to rest!

It is important that you speak to your doctor before adding this beverage to your daily diet. What works for one may not be effective enough for another.

In case you are pregnant or lactating, it becomes even more essential for you to get the doctor’s advice.

My Encha Ceremonial Organic Matcha Review

Encha Matcha Review [Ceremonial Grade Matcha]Product Name: Encha Ceremonial Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder
Price Today: Check here
Brand: Encha
Quantity: 60 g – 2.12 oz
Money-Back Guarantee: 100% Lifetime Guarantee.

Encha Ceremonial Organic Matcha ReviewEncha Ceremonial Organic Matcha is USDA certified organic. It is of topmost quality with a smooth texture and a sweet vegetal taste.

The taste is just like how that of organically grown matcha should be.

As the matcha is tested for heavy metals and radiation, it can be considered safe to consume. Moreover, the beverage is healthy as it has beneficial bioactive compounds present in it.

Thus, adding Encha matcha to your diet is a great idea!

Just be wary of the amount you consume. Going overboard can result in side effects. Therefore, it is better not to exceed 2 cups of Encha matcha in a day.

It is up to you how you want to enjoy your cup of matcha. You can go the traditional way, have it iced or as a latte.

Click Here to Order Now!

Post Author: nishagarg

I am an internet marketer and a GREEN TEA LOVER to some extent. Obesity and stress have been my main concern in the past, but the regular intake of green tea has changed my life. I lost 18 KGs in 6 months by just taking the tea and doing 30-45 minutes walk daily. Have mates who have benefited from it too in terms of fighting cancer, anti-aging and controlling blood pressure.