Does Green Tea Help Digestion?

Tea is a widely consumed beverage all over the world. Tea, especially green tea, possesses a lot of health benefits and the number of green tea drinkers is increasing day by day.

Scientific studies of the compounds present in green tea are rather new in comparison to the number of years for which it has been consumed in Asian countries. Let’s dive deep into the role of green tea for digestion.

Does green tea help with digestion?

Our Digestion ProcessGreen tea works well as a digestive aid and this is not a hidden fact from those who have been drinking it for the past so many years.

When you consume 2 to 3 cups of green tea in a day, you can get relief from stomach issues and even prevent them.

According to scientific studies, when you drink green tea, it stimulates your digestive system.

Theoretically, green tea has compounds called polyphenols that help with the process of digestion. With this tea, there is an easier breakdown of food.

Furthermore, studies reveal that the compound EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate brings down the inflammation in the GI (gastrointestinal) tract. This anti-inflammatory effect of green tea is what makes it the most sought-after health-boosting beverage!

Inflammation, especially of the chronic kind, can cause numerous diseases in the body. Hence, it is important that you try your best to include foods and drinks in your diet that fight inflammation.

One such drink is green tea. Coming back to the connection between green tea and digestion, there is not much research in this regard.

However, while gauging the other health benefits of green tea, an estimation of its benefits in maintaining digestive health can be made.

Stomach issues that green tea soothes or prevents

1. Flatulence

Flatulence, more commonly called farting refers to the passing of gas through the anus (accompanied by a sound). Gas can cause discomfort and pain in the stomach.

Whenever you feel that there is gas in your stomach, you can drink green tea as it will help in resolving the problem. You will also cease to have to bloat and thereby not have any pain in your stomach.

2. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

The term inflammatory bowel disease refers to a wide number of diseases due to chronic inflammation of the GI (Gastrointestinal) tract.

Green tea helps fight inflammation in the body due to its anti-inflammatory nature and therefore can be effective in IBD. Studies reveal that green tea reduces the risk of colon cancer in those suffering from IBD.

3. Stomach cancer

Cancer of any kind can be intimidating. Green tea reduces the risk of stomach cancer by half thereby infusing a ray of hope in the minds of those who are most likely to end up with it.

The tea has polyphenols in it and these plant compounds are well known for preventing cancer cells from growing.

How much green tea is needed to boost digestion?

Now, after knowing that green tea can be great to improve your digestive health, you must be wondering how much of it willhelp you reap its benefits?

It is generally known that you should consume this tea in moderation as an excess of it can lead to undesired side effects.

As already mentioned, sticking to 2-3 cups a day should be fine as it would provide you with 100 to 320 mg of polyphenols a day.

Also, do pay attention to the fact that the tea has caffeine in it that can affect the digestive health of some people.

Caffeine-sensitive individuals can suffer from nausea, diarrhea, or an upset stomach. Such individuals can switch to caffeine-free extracts of green tea. They will still be able to get the desired health benefits.

Green tea extracts and digestion

Research shows that green tea extract is helpful in improving insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance of the body.

Insulin sensitivity refers to how sensitive you are to insulin. Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas. It lets the body use the glucose from the carbs you eat in your meals for energy or helps in storing it for the future.

With this hormone, your blood sugar levels neither get too high nor go too low.

Coming back to insulin sensitivity, those who are insulin sensitive need lesser quantities of this hormone to lower blood sugar when compared to those who have low sensitivity. It varies from one individual to another.

Importance of keeping gut bacteria happy

Now, talking about gut health, did you know your gut is home to more than a trillion good bacteria that decide your overall well-being? Do you take time out and care for your gut bacteria?

If not, you should now.

From the diet point of view, you should do the following to improve gut health,

  • Consume probiotics
  • Add more fermented foods to your plate
  • Reduce refined sugar consumption

Now, what is the connection between green tea and gut bacteria?

As already mentioned above, green tea has polyphenols in it and these plant compounds can keep good bacteria residing in your gut happy.

Furthermore, when your gut bacteria are healthy, it reflects your health.

What is the best time to drink green tea?

Best Time to Drink Green TeaIt is advised that you drink a cup in the morning and in the evening. In the morning, your metabolism is at its peak and can give an additional boost with a cup of tea.

By evening the body’s metabolism starts dipping and hence it is also a good time to drink green tea.

However, if you have sleep issues, you should not drink green tea late in the evening as it may interfere with your sleep.

Avoid drinking it right after having your meal. You need to give a gap of at least one or two hours.

Best Green Tea for digestion

Here are a few green tea brands that improve digestion:

1. Traditional Medicinals Organic Green Tea Peppermint Tea: It helps in alleviating digestive discomfort as it contains peppermint.

2. Yogi Tea Kombucha Green Tea: This tea also helps aid digestion.

You can get both of these teas online. So, enjoy drinking your cup of green tea and reap its benefits!
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Post Author: nishagarg

I am an internet marketer and a GREEN TEA LOVER to some extent. Obesity and stress have been my main concern in the past, but the regular intake of green tea has changed my life. I lost 18 KGs in 6 months by just taking the tea and doing 30-45 minutes walk daily. Have mates who have benefited from it too in terms of fighting cancer, anti-aging and controlling blood pressure.